Phil sat in the pink and teal nursery, surrounded by children’s story books, flowers and beloved stuffed animals. He held Harper tightly in his arms and whispered, “I’ll give you the world”. Being a witness of this genuine and intimate moment made my heart melt. To say that Phil and Kirsten are madly in love with their new baby girl is an understatement. These two, new parents are enthralled with this sweet little girl. They smiled from ear to ear as they held their bundle of joy. Harper has no shortage of mommy and daddy kisses and snuggles. She will grow up knowing that she is loved and cherished, as every little one should.
Harper Riley Rose is a beautiful, healthy, spoiled little girl. She is a miracle baby. Before Kirsten was pregnant, there were a lot of negative doctors reports about her ability to have kids. They said it wasn’t possible, it was too risky and later on said she would need to schedule an early delivery, etc.. When Kirsten and Phil became pregnant there was a lot of prayer that was coming from them and toward them. As time went on, the news got better and better about the pregnancy. Lo and behold, Harper was born full term and mommy is doing great! The Headland family is so thankful for their family of three. Well, really a family of 8. Harper has 5 fur siblings who are very protective of her and love her too.
Thank you Headland family for inviting me into your home to take pictures of your new addition and your sweet family unit. Your love for one another and your beautiful baby girl is so heartwarming to see. Your family is truly blessed. Praise God that you are all happy and healthy! Congratulations again!
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