Wynnie celebrated her three year old birthday styling an adorable striped jumpsuit and floppy hat. She is one of the best dressed little girls I know! It makes my photographer heart happy when clients come to sessions looking like celebrities. I wasn’t completely surprised by her adorable attire because of how well dressed the Thompson’s were in their family session last year in Hershey (see session here).
When the Thompson’s asked me to take Wynnie’s three year old pictures I was so excited! Wynnie is such a joy to be around. She made me smile and laugh the whole time. She is extremely bright, polite and very curious. Her favorite Disney princess at the moment is Anna. She would light up when I asked her about her Frozen birthday presents she was anticipating. Wynnie looked like a Disney princess herself as she played in the glowy sunset light that bounced through her curls. Wynnie, I had so much fun taking pictures with you!
Happy 3rd Birthday! You are a special little girl! God has big plans for you!
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