When I walked into the Lopez families’ house for their at family photos, I felt like I was stepping into my close friend’s home. The atmosphere in their home enveloped me with peace and contentment. Which is kind of ironic because their energetic three-year-old son Daniel was sprinting around showing me how talented and quick he was. His bright smile was contagious and I couldn’t help but enjoy talking with him. The peaceful tone in the Lopez’s home made sense when I spoke with Imer and Marlene. They are two very kind and gentle souls.
Marlene and I chatted and giggled like old friends as talked about her two beautiful babies in Isabelle’s nursery. She explained to me that raising girls and boys is very different. Daniel was a pretty easy-going first baby. Isabelle on the other hand, at three weeks old, is already a little strong willed. I’m sure that any ounce of sass that shows through can easily be ignored if you focus on her adorable chubby cheeks. She slept deeply and peacefully as we admired her beautiful baby features and moved her around for pictures.
As the new big brother, Daniel is always eager to hold baby Isabelle. When it was his turn for pictures he was excited for his chance. He held her bottle as steady and patiently as any three-year-old could. The big grin on his face matched that of his mom and dad’s when they hold her too. As their rainbow baby, Isabelle is especially precious to them.
I am so excited to share these photos with you. Thank you Glenda for introducing me to your sweet family. I’m so honored to be a part of featuring these special milestones!
Fun fact. This little girl’s aunt and uncle are featured on the blog too!
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